
In my school year book my A-Level English Teacher described me as a ‘cheerful workaholic’. I was neither cool nor creative at school but I had a passion for words and a sound business head. Fast forward 20 years and as well as being a proper grown-up, I’m a fully fledged marketer. Who would have dreamed, the uncool one going into a perceived ‘cool’ profession.

Let me enlighten you ….. my marketing world is not glamorous, its a roll-up-your sleeves place where I work relentlessly to get everyone to start with the customer. I don’t come up with the answers, I work with those who have the customer insight  and those who have the product knowledge to help develop truly compelling propositions.

I know I’m not perfect but then who is? I love learning and have started this blog to help fuel my thirst for all things marketing that don’t revolve around CIM webinars and seminars. I know I’m never going to be the best marketer, but I can have fun trying!